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About us.
Jaymes Kirk Services LLC
Sole Proprietor: Jaymes C. Kirk
JK's Lawn Service & The Kitchen Consultant
I am now offering a wider variety of services so to save on business
cards I am consolidating my company names to one...JK Services. In
addition to offering a wider variety of services I am now accepting
credit cards as an added convenience to my clients. When you need it
done and don't have the time or desire to do it yourself don't fret,
just call me. l keep my prices low and fare so you call afford to call
me twice. I charge $10 to $20 an hour depending on the job. My rates
are based on the time I am actually working and not sitting around
running up your bill. At Ranken Technical College where I'm enrolled I
work with my instructors on extra curricular activities to learn more
and even sit in on other classes from different fields to expand my
knowledge. My skills grow more and more every day so when you hire me
not only do I help you; but you help me learn and build my skills, so
thank you. Don't let the name fool you, "you name it we do it", I won't
take a job I'm not experienced in but odds are I will know some
professional who does.
As of 3/1/12 Jaymes Kirk Services is now an LLC.
Thank you, and as always, have a Nice Day!
Jaymes Kirk's Info
Hello, One and All
I am Jaymes Kirk, I am a student at Ranken Technical Collage and I am going for a
degree in Electrical Automation Technology and Control System Technology. I have been working at Vector, selling CUTCO®
witch is
kitchen cutlery to help pay for collage. I still mow lawns to make
some side money to pay for gas though. I am doing electrical work like
wiring and installing and computer work like operating system upgrades
and computer related problems. I thank the people who helped me sharpen
presentation skills and get better at public speaking. I have worked
with motors, computer, electronics, sales, building things, programing
and mowing. My slogan stays the same, "YOU NAME IT! I DO IT!".
happy because good things come to those who wait and stay happy. I am
more than happy to help others out; for instance, with my lawn service I
lowered my prices to help people out and those in need. I would mow
their front yards free and sometimes the back yards too. If you have
the time to help, then do so I say.
Thank you and have a nice day.
More info to come. Posted 3/2/12
Joel's Info